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Robins (Reception) - Miss Kalnins and Miss Newsome

Welcome to Our Wonderful Reception Class - The Robins 


Welcome back after the Christmas break. I hope you all had a lovely rest and are ready for a new term! Let's go!

Our next topic is 'Transport' for Spring 1. This topic is based around our first story, 'Naughty Bus' by Jan and Jerry Oke. 

In Religious Education, we are beginning our new topic of 'Galilee to Jerusalem'. This looks into the journey of Jesus' life. We'll be learning the story of 'Feeding the 5000', discussing distances, welcoming each other, Baptisms and much more!

In English, we will be reading 'Naughty Bus' then moving onto 'Please don't chat to the Bus Driver', 'The Train Ride', 'Room on the Broom', 'Duck in the Truck' and also looking at some non-fiction texts.  We will be learning lots of new vocabulary, spelling words, focusing on forming letters correctly, re-reading what we have written and writing short phrases. We can't wait to show you some of our writing!

In Phonics, we will be learning the 'special friends' - sh, ch, th, qu, ng and nk, beginning to read short phrases and learning some tricky red words too. 

In Drawing Club, we will be reading; 'Please don't chat to the Bus Driver', 'The Train Ride', 'Room on the Broom', 'Duck in the Truck', and some animations.  We will be drawing characters, settings and using lots of joy and imagination to come up with our own fantastic illustrations!

In Maths, we are focusing on recognising, representing and ordering numbers 0-10, one more and one less, comparison of numbers, mass and capacity. 

In our 'Understanding the World' lessons we will be learning about how things move, floating and sinking, transport from the past, maps of a journey, changes in seasons and celebrating Chinese New Year! 

In Expressive arts, we will be doing many activities such as role play and music and movement. We will be using 2D shapes to make buses, using cars to paint, making our own 3D vehicles and much, much more!

In P.E, we are starting gymnastics. We will be looking at ways we can move, shapes we can make with our bodies and simple rolls. 

Please make sure you are all checking Class Dojo when you can. I will upload photos every week to let you know what we have been up to. 

If you have any questions please just ask, email or message me on Class Dojo.

Let's have another great term together. 

Miss Kalnins and Miss Newsome





Phonics is taught every day and children are regularly assessed and re-grouped according to their sound knowledge, accuracy and fluency in reading. 

Some children are moving onto learning our special friends (sh, ch, th, ng, nk and qu). They are starting to read ditties (which I will be sending home). The other reception group will be learning the rest of set 1 sounds and focusing on blending words.



Once your child can blend words independently, they will receive a 'blending book' to read at home every day. Once your child can read simple sentences, they will bring home a reading book which should be read at home at least 3 times a week. This will ensure your child gains more confidence and becomes more fluent in their reading. 


P.E is on Tuesdays - We have a full morning slot!

Please ensure your child has a full P.E kit in school. They will need a black pair of shorts, plain black joggers or leggings, a plain white t-shirt and pumps/trainers. All items will need their name clearly written on them. This is extremely helpful when the children are dressing and undressing for P.E.


Homework menu:

This is also on our Class Dojo page and attached below: