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Below you will find a list of statutory policies. 

Christ the King Catholic and C of E Primary adopts all the Our Lady Help of Christians Policies but does not replicate them all here. For example: flexible working policy; Dress and Apperance Policy; no- smoking policy; gifts and hospitality policy; Adoption policy

For a full list of personnel policies, please see the Trust website


  1. Aanti bullying policy - child friendly version pdf
  2. Accessibility Plan 2023-24 pdf
  3. Additional Paid and Unpaid Leave 2023 pdf
  4. Admissions-2023 2024 pdf
  5. Admissions-2024 2025 pdf
  6. Adoption Policy 2023 pdf
  7. Allegations of abuse against staff September 2023 pdf
  8. Annual Leave Policy 2023 pdf
  9. Anti Fraud, bribery and corruption 2023 pdf
  10. Anti Stress Policy 2023 pdf
  11. Attendance-policy. 2022 pdf
  12. Behaviour statement 2023 pdf
  13. Behaviour-and-engagement-policy-2023-2024 docx
  14. Bullying Prevention policy 2021 - 2022 pdf
  15. Charging and remissions policy September 2023 pdf
  16. Children with health needs who cannot attend school Policy September 2023 pdf
  17. Complaints Policy September 2023 pdf
  18. CTK EYFS Policy November 2020 docx
  19. Data Protection Policy pdf
  20. Disciplinary Policy 2023 pdf
  21. Early Career Teacher (ECT) Policy 2023 pdf
  22. Electronic devices and communication policy 2023 pdf
  23. Equality How We Support 2023 pdf
  24. Equality policy September 2023 pdf
  25. Equality Statement September 2023 pdf
  26. Exclusion Policy 2023 pdf
  27. First Aid Policy 2023 docx
  28. Grievance policy 2023 pdf
  29. Harassment and bullying policy 2023 pdf
  30. Health and Safety Policy 2023 pdf
  31. Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2023 pdf
  32. Lone Worker policy 2023 pdf
  33. Maternity Policy 2023 pdf
  34. Menopause at Work policy 2023 pdf
  35. Notification of absence form (Term-time holidays) docx
  36. Online Safety Policy September 2023 pdf
  37. Parental Leave Policy 2023 pdf
  38. Paternity Pay and Leave Policy 2023 pdf
  39. Pay Policy 2023 pdf
  40. RSE-Policy-2023 pdf
  41. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023 2024 pdf
  42. Safer Recruitment Policy 2023 pdf
  43. School Uniform Policy 2022 - 2023 pdf
  44. SEND-policy-2023 pdf
  45. Sickness and absence management policy 2023 pdf
  46. SIR (SEND Information Report) 2021-2022 pdf
  47. Social Media Policy 2023 pdf
  48. Staff Acceptable Use policy 2023 pdf
  49. Staff capability policy and procedure 2023 pdf
  50. Staff Code of Conduct Sept 2023 docx
  51. Staff Handbook CTK Sept 2023 updated docx
  52. Substance Misuse Policy 2023 pdf
  53. Support Staff appraisal policy 2023 pdf
  54. Supporting Pupils with medical conditions and ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICINES 2023 (1) (1) doc
  55. Teacher appraisal policy 2023 pdf
  56. Unacceptable behaviour of parents and visitors 2023 pdf
  57. Whistle Blowing Policy 2023 pdf
  58. admissions-2025 2026 pdf
  59. feedback-and-marking-policy - 2024 (1) docx