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You are warmly and enthusiastically welcomed to Christ the King where we strive to create a thriving community in which all members are valued and achieve our mission statement of ‘life to the full’.

Christ the King is a unique school which was created through the joining of St Barnabas CofE Primary School and St Edwards Catholic Primary to form Christ the King Catholic and Church of England Primary School. This act in 2011 reflects the values at the heart of our school community; that we share common beliefs but that we also respect, recognise and truly celebrate diversity and difference.

We are especially proud of our children and the contribution they make to this thriving community. They are constantly full of ideas and enthusiasm for making our school the best it can be. All our children are encouraged to take an active role in school life in and beyond the classroom. From the school council to the CTK Gospel Spreaders, their views continue to help shape our direction.

You are welcome to visit us and see us in action by making an appointment via Mrs Golus in the school office. We look forward to meeting you.