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School Blog

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  • 25/06/24

    Perfect Picnic and More

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.
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  • 18/06/24

    Y5 All Hallows Experience Day

    Y5 had an amazing trip to All Hallows on Monday.
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  • 11/06/24

    Magical Music Experience

    Last Friday afternoon, we had an amazing visit from a string quartet called Epiphany. 
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  • 04/06/24

    Delightful Dance!

    In this exciting new half-term we have a new topic in P. E led by the amazing Kelsey Clark, who has won lots of medals and competitions, having 6 competitions a YEAR! She has been doing street and hip-hop and went to WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS! [She came second.] Everyone's trying really hard, and...
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  • 04/06/24

    Excellent English

    In Year 4 and 5 they are reading a book set in the Blue John caves in Derbyshire. The name of the book is Blue John by Berlil Doherty. We have read chapters Fire and Ice, in which we meet our character 'Blue John' as he wakes from a thousand-year sleep. He explores the caves...
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  • 14/05/24

    Reading in the Sun

    Owls have been loving the sunny weather and have been enjoying having independent reading sessions on our school field. Our favourite authors at the moment are Anthony Horowitz, Jeff Kinney, Michael Morporgo and David Walliams.  Julian- Y5 Blogging Team
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  • 14/05/24

    Ascension Day Mass at St Edwards

    Last Wednesday the whole school visited St Edwards' church for Ascension day mass. We had a reflective time and lots of fun showing Father Peter our songs 'Shine Jesus Shine' and 'Your Majesty'. Thank you to our wonderful Y5 readers who lead our bidding prayers...
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  • 07/05/24

    Our May Procession

    Last week, on Wednesday, we had a May Procession which Owls class hosted. We created our May Altar together, presenting a statue of Mary, a crown of flowers, rosary beads and vases of flowers that represent Mary, such as baby's breath, carnations, roses, violets and ivy. Pupils read prayers...
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  • 30/04/24

    We are Historians

    We have all started exiting new topics in history; carry on reading to find out more.
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  • 30/04/24

    Exquisite English Lessons

    Let's find out what our classes have been learning in their English lessons. In Robins Class, they have been reading 'Toys in Space' by Mini Grey. They have been writing exclamation sentences and using different suffixes. In Woodpeckers Class, they are reading 'The Last Wolf'...
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  • 30/04/24

    Half term value(Trust)

    In this half-term, our value is trust. The meaning of trust is to believe in the goodness, strength and truth of someone or something. Examples are: believing something without having proof, that's trust.
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  • 30/04/24

    Learning all about Leaves!

    In Y3/4 we are learning all about plants. In our first week we learnt about the parts of the plants and what they do. Last week we learnt all about the different parts of leaves. Fun Fact: Did you know leaves make food for the plants using the sunlight? We explored lea...
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